A wordless physical performance about the complex social rules we try to navigate through inside of society. The three performers elegantly fuse together physical theatre, contemporary dance and contemporary circus, and we encounter their meetings and relations inside an ever changing scenography depicting 3 different spaces in various sizes. A street, a home and a workspace.

STRAINER is about trying to move through our modern and swiftly mutable world. We follow a being, a person, becoming a part of society and his attempts to decode the complex social rules between strangers, friends, colleagues, lovers and family. He is being let in by a man and a woman and we follow their process through an ever more complex web of relations and underlying expectations. It is about being on the outside and dreaming about being let in. About disappointment and success, anger and reconciliation, desperation and harmony.

In the reality of the 21st century, with internet, social media and a growing exchange between cultures, the social rules are more complex than ever before, while our brains are more or less the same as they were around 74,000 years ago. Brains, which are thundering ahead like high speed trains in order to decode and interpret the impressions we are bombarded by.

How can we relate when the rules become so advanced, our brains can no longer keep up?

STRAINER is a co-production by GLiMT, Limfjordsteatret and Vendsyssel Teater and toured throughout Denmark in 2017.

Bo Madvig received the prestigious REUMERT award as “Dancer of the year” in 2017 for his performance in STRAINER.

Press Quotes
”GLiMT find their way to the poetry of Primeval Man in the fearless stunt-performance ’Strainer’ ”
“Not just dance theatre with delicious and flexible body artists. Not just contemporary circus with bold bodies and crazy tricks. And not just stunt theatre with manic bodies and dangerous timing. But physical theatre with poetry.”
Information, Anne Middelboe Christensen

”To me, the performance hits the spot on exactly what it means to be young today, and that’s why I give ”Strainer” 6 narcissistic, spoilt and adaptable stars.”
Julie Høncke Keldorff, kommunikationsmedarbejder for FOKUS, debatindlæg i Nordjyske Stiftstidende

“It’s beautiful and almost a little frightening to experience a dancer control their body in such an unusual manner – like considering a reptile waking up in a new skin.”
Morsø Folkeblad, Gerda Buhl Andersen

“It is good, well executed theatre, rich with opportunities for interpretation by the audience. Absolutely recommendable.”
★★★★★★ Kulturkongen, Asger Weber

”Excellent and seductive body awareness.”
“Altogether, STRAINER is an abstract, in many ways curious but fully fantastic piece, especially in regards to dance and rhythm.”
★★★★ Kulturkongen, Marija Lalevic

“STRAINER is a entertaining and succesful performance”
Danstidningen, Torben Kastrup

”Through underplayed physical theatre, explosive contemporary circus tricks and delicate contemporary dance phrases, we are introduced to a world that starts at zero, and moves forward at exponential speeds.”
DANS magasinet / Terpsichore – Maja Holtze


Odin Teatret

A special thanks to
Teater Momentum, Teater Nordkraft, Teatret Masken, Odin Teatret, Teamteatret, Helsingør Teater, Vejleegnens Teaterforening, Roskilde Teater, AMOC (Akademiet for Moderne Cirkus), AFUK, Tolmer Glas, Mathilde Johnsen, Pil Rix Rossel.

Supported by:
The performance is sponsored by The Danish Arts Foundation: The Committee for the Performing Arts and the Commitee for Music, the A P Møller Foundation, Ingeniør Ernst B Sunds Fond, Morsø Kommune and Hjørring Kommune.



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